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Cathryn's story

I'm Cathryn, nearly 29 years old born and bred in Wales. I've got a twin sister and some pet sea monkeys!

When did you start pole?

I first started pole in August 2020, though the pandemic restrictions have meant that my pole journey has been quite stop start!

What made you first try pole?

I'd moved to the Wirral only a couple of months before the pandemic hit. By August I figured I better get out and find a hobby/make friends. A friend based in Manchester hadn't long started her pole journey and kept insisting I go since she loved it so much! I was curious enough to give it a go and here we are now!

What does life consist of outside of pole?

Nothing all too interesting! I work full time for the Council's planning department. Me and my fella Terry love travelling together and are (fingers crossed) planning to take a month long trip this summer.

How often do you pole a week?

I've recently upped to two classes a week and an loving it!

Any comments about your pole journey so far?

My pole journey didn't actually get off to the best start in my eyes.  I've always suffered with clammy hands - a pole dancers nemesis! I got home from my first class in tears and refused to go back the following week since I'd felt so embarrassed at how rubbish my slippy hands had meant I was. Thankfully I did force myself to return a few weeks later, with some clammy hand strategies in place, and loved it! By September 2021 I'd pretty much cracked my slippy Susie issues and took part in my first ever photoshoot which was amazing. I now totally have *the* best hobby!


Favourite move and nemesis or most hated move?

* Jade split is super pretty, which is why I'm working hard to flatten my split! 
* Cupid is damn near impossible!


If you could give any words of advice to someone thinking about trying pole, what would it be?

Just go for it! I am super uncoordinated, clumsy as anything and bruise like a total peach (I once fell right outside my front door and my whole left thigh turned black with bruising....) - on paper this is totally not the sport for me! So if I can manage it, pretty much anyone can! 

Clear your mind of all the pre conceptions - you'll gain strength along the way and become part of the most supportive band of classmates you could ever wish for.

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