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Joanne's story

My name is Joanne and I'm 46, I have 4 kids, married, work nights part-time and enjoy the gym, and baking amongst other stuff. 

I first started pole in 2007 in Leasowe castle ,not knowing what to expect , this was my first step into the world.of aerial and I've never looked back. 
And it's not all about getting in a move, or strutting round a pole trying to look sexy trust me I'm the least sexy person going, I'm not flexible, but I have gained strength from classes. And that's the nice part everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, some weeks you feel like you can do any move other weeks can't do anything but the one constant is the laughs, and friendships that are formed and it really is like a little family.
I lost my dad last year and also lost myself for a while, but going back to pole really helped me, being with like minded people and just having a laugh, as well as feeling supported brought back sense of normal for me.
My fave move is probably pointer, least fav brass monkey.
Advice I would give to someone wanting to try is don't put barriers in your way, don't think I'm to big I'm not strong,. Because until you try you will never know, the one thing I am certain of is you won't find judgement in our studio only support, new friends and laughter so the only thing you need to bring is sense of fun cause we're all a bit crazy x
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