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Lauren's story

Lauren, 29

When did you start pole?

Initially started in 2019 however due to covid I probably had about 18 months break in the middle


What made you first try pole?

Came from a bit of a disastrous relationship that left me with no confidence. I’d seen a few people posting about pole on Instagram and booked my first lesson. Pole has done wonders for my mental health and confidence. I’ve never been athletic or sporty but pole always helps me feel good about myself and my body. 

What does life consist of outside of pole?

I’m a radiographer working for the NHS and when I’m not working shifts I’m either at a pole class, hoop class or baking for friends and family. No kids yet, but I do have a little jack russell who is getting slightly grumpy on her old age.


How often do you pole a week?

Currently doing pole twice a week


Any comments about your pole journey so far?

My progress has been slow (it took around 6 months just to get my climb) however after starting mixed ability classes I’ve realised that everyone’s journey is different - everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Moves that have taken me ages to achieve may come naturally for some - but when I do achieve these moves eventually - it’s always celebrated by my classmates and there is no nicer feeling. For me, it’s super inspiring seeing people in class perform and it encourages me to keep going. I’ve struggled getting back to my pre covid strength, but I’ve met some lovely, supportive people who have kept me going.

Pole has helped massively with my mental health and through my experience, is the best form of therapy for me. Pole for me, has taught me to appreciate my body for what it can do rather than focus on its flaws and what’s it’s been through. I’ve become part of such a gorgeous, supportive and inspiring community and can’t recommend pole enough for anyone.

Favourite move and nemesis or most hated move?

The dream is a Russian layback - hopefully for my next photo shoot! Nemesis move for me has been Cupid - however during a recent private I did manage to hold it for a few seconds!

If you could give any words of advice to someone thinking about trying pole, what would it be?

Stop putting it off and just do it! I’ve struggled a lot with my mental health over the years and pole always manages to find a way to provide a pick me up on my down days. Classes are always fun, and even on down days where I don’t achieve much - I always manage to leave with a smile on my face thanks to everyone and positive atmosphere in the studio. The first class can seem daunting - but everyone I’ve met in the pole world has always been super supportive and encouraging and I feel so relaxed around everyone. I only wish I’d started sooner.

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